To brighten up a rainy day.
I made these from a kit I got at Paper Source — a frightening cash-vacuum for a gal with a paper fetish.
To brighten up a rainy day.
I made these from a kit I got at Paper Source — a frightening cash-vacuum for a gal with a paper fetish.
I'm a 30-something who has a serially-monogamous relationship with hobbies, a fun little family, narcolepsy without cataplexy, and a love affair with text, currently in Fort Wayne, IN.
Donec quis velit ut libero vehicula vestibulum. Cras pellentesque accumsan massa. Proin tempor, ipsum in lobortis interdum, mi nisi malesuada augue, at sollicitudin sem sem quis urna. Sed ullamcorper ante. Phasellus non justo sit amet est volutpat porttitor.
Some other stuff. What were you expecting?