I have time issues. Not the “I-don’t-have-enough-time” kind, but the “why-does-the-time-I-have-not-come-when-I-need-it” kind. I’m a big time morning person, which for any normal person would mean that I prefer getting up early to staying up late. For me, it goes so much farther than that. For me, there is basically no functional time in my day past 2:00 pm. The implications of this fact are far-reaching and difficult.
- My motivation to do anything drops off mid-afternoon. On a day like today — when I work the reference desk at night and don’t go into work until noon — this is a problem. I might have an hour or two of productive time when I get in, but the day is essentially a wash. Good thing half of my work day is taken up by answering questions people ask me.)
- If I don’t get up and doing essential stuff in the morning, it isn’t going to happen. If I haven’t started a project by noon, be it doing laundry or working on my scrapbook, my day is shot.
- Although I have free time after work, it doesn’t count because of the aforementioned lack of motivation thing. When 5:00 pm rolls around, it’s just a waiting game until dinner and bedtime.
With all that said, I was just thinking about why it’s seemingly so hard for me to post more regularly to the ol’ blog, and I think I’ve got it (or a big part of it, anyway). It’s pictures. More to the point, it’s the feeling that a post without pictures is no kind of post at all. (Lately I’ve been checking out Moo cards and wanting some so badly, but without a Flickr account to speak of, I have no suitable pictures from which to make them.)
Here’s the grand production that is putting pictures on my blog:
- I wait for a good time to take pictures. During the times when the light is good enough for picture taking, I’m usually focused on tasks higher on my priority list, so it often just doesn’t happen.
- I get out the camera and do the photography.
- I turn on the computer — takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r.
- I upload the pictures from the camera.
- I squish them through Photoshop for more blog-appropriate sizing.
- I FTP them to my web host.
- I get them linked to a post.
It’s convoluted and not terribly fun, and, like I said, often much less important than clean underwear or the designated project of the day.
Without pictures it seems pointless to tell you about my current works in progress (Mike’s sweater — again — which is knitting up beautifully, but for which I am certain I will run out of yarn. Mountain Colors 4/8s Wool in the discontinued Midnight Sapphire colorway? Anyone?) or finished objects (a shawlette for my mother-in-law or anyone she thinks might like it because the last shipment from the Petals Collection, Bird of Paradise, while lovely, is so not me).
This Saturday is another geekend for Mike in Indy, and I will not be going with him. I don’t need to go to Mass. Ave. Knit Shop and buy more yarn — I have way too much already! — and since he’ll be getting up early to leave, I’ll basically have a day all to myself. I see a major photo session coming on. Maybe.