I’ve seen this meme all over the web, and I’ve really enjoyed reading the 100 things of people whose blogs I read — it’s like the list helps me get to know the person better.
It took some serious brainstorming, but I finally finished my list of 100 things about me. Check it out.
1 Marlyce wrote:
I enjoyed your “100 things” and what was eerie was how many of those things were true for me to. Numbers 1-6==ditto. Even the OC behaviour about stacking the dishes in a certain way, and sorting mom’s button box–which I was only “allowed” to do when I was sick in bed. Thanks for sharing.
2 Alida wrote:
After reading a lot of these, I found myself saying, “me, too.” When you see me, you’ll notice that I, too, lack adornment on the lobes of my ears.