I am a boring blogger with a boring blog.
I have this card I bought one time at Paper Source that has on its front a certificate for being a Bad Storyteller. It’s a little harsh, and I haven’t found the right person/situation yet for giving it, and so I see it every time I look in my stationery drawer to find a card for someone. I’m thinking that if I changed the word “Bad” to “Boring,” and “Storyteller” to “Blogger,” I’d have the perfect card to give to myself.
I don’t know why I’m so bad at blogging. Maybe I feel inadequate because the blogs I read (particularly the knitting ones) always seem to have new stuff on them, including pictures. I just never get the pictures going until I have a whole bunch of finished objects, and I never feel like I have something worth posting unless I have a picture. Or maybe I’m just not imagining that people will want to read my bad stories (See! Bad Storyteller!). I don’t know.
If you just got all excited because Stuff and Things and Whatnot finally turned bold in Bloglines, I apologize.
One Comment
1 Tomas wrote:
I give piano and guitar lssnoes to help earn $$ , and because I wanted to teach music since I was ten. Because of damage to joints and nerves from a gluten intolerance, my hands are not as reliable as I’d like them to be so I do not play for anyone but family and myself. (and I am TERRIBLY shy LOL) But oh, when I need to spend time with the Lord and can’t find words, I can always find music and give that to Him! It is calming, centering, and so helpful! I still have the 1939 Everett spinet that my mom got me for my highschool graduation, and play on that as well as teach on it. I also have a lovely Washburn guitar, and the violin that I had from when I first started learning in the 6th grade. Just as a good book that has been well read and will be read again, the instruments in our lives can be just as much dear friends!As for language . LOL There are several that I’d love to learn, gaelic being one as both my family and my husband’s have strong Irish backgrounds, but Spanish is definitely becoming a very important language to know!Lenora recently posted..Changing over to a more natural home?