More objects for the finished projects pile!
This fabric softened up considerably in the blocking and got all fleecy. I was a little concerned about the fit — the sweater seemed so darn small — and was pretty laborious about blocking the pieces to the measurements I got from Michelle. After putting it together, though, it turned out beautifully, and fit like a glove.
Having got that done (with hours to spare before Michelle headed back to Omaha after Thanksgiving), it was time to turn to Chaucer’s sweater, which I was able to finish up over the weekend.
It was such a relief to get good feedback on it from Lisa. She actually put Chaucer in it right away; too bad I didn’t have the camera at her house, because he looks really good in it, if I do say so myself. My favorite of the motifs is this dude — he looks the most dog-like and Peruvian of the bunch.
Having finished these two things, I was finally able to start on the mobius scarf from Lisa Myers’ Joy of Knitting. Hooray! I also finished up the cabled hat, but Mike has the camera with him in Delaware, so a picture will have to wait until he gets home.